The Analysis Toolbox


Some tools are explained in the Basic GIS Operations pages, so the links will refer you over there.

  1. Extract

    1. ☐ Clip
    2. Select (By Expression)
    3. ☐ Split
    4. ☐ Split By Attributes
    5. Tables Select
  2. Overlay

    1. Erase
    2. ☐ Identity
    3. Intersect
    4. ☐ Spatial Join
    5. ☐ Symmetrical Difference
    6. ☐ Union
    7. ☐ Update
  3. Proximity

    1. ☐ Buffer
    2. ☐ Create Thiessen Polygons
    3. ☐ Graphic Buffer
    4. ☐ Split By Attributes
    5. ☐ Multiple Ring Buffer
    6. ☐ Near
    7. ☐ Point Distance
    8. ☐ Polygon Neighbors
  4. Statistics

    1. ☐ Frequency
    2. ☐ Summary Statistics
    3. ☐ Split
    4. ☐ Tabulate Intersection